Page Acree Scholarship

Page Acree Humanities in the Sciences Scholarship

Dr. Page Acree, a Wake Forest alumnus who helped pioneer open heart surgery, believed that potential physicians need a strong dose of the humanities to make them better physicians and citizens. To this end, he established a scholarship for pre-medical students.

The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarship support for undergraduate students majoring in the sciences who have demonstrated career objectives in medicine or science-related fields that require human service and who also wish to take unrequired academic work in the humanities. The scholarship support is intended to enable the student(s) to enhance and increase their humanitarian and ethical awareness.

Recipients must have an academic record that will, in Wake Forest’s judgment, make them likely to be admissible to a medical school. Students who are interested in being considered for a scholarship from this Fund must apply for the award by submitting a written description of his or her proposed study programs in terms of content and objective with particular reference to increasing their humanitarian and ethical awareness. To complete the proposed study program, the student may elect to (1) enroll in an extra semester or year of courses beyond graduation from Wake Forest to take courses on the humanities; (2) meet basic and divisional humanities requirements during summer sessions while pursuing an undergraduate degree, thereby completing unrequired humanities courses (outside their major fields) during the regular semester; or (3) enroll for a semester in one of Wake Forest’s Study Abroad Programs or in any accredited university in the United States or the world.  In all cases, students must submit a written study program that will qualify for full academic credit at Wake Forest.

Preference for funding will be for students who are currently juniors or seniors.

In order to apply, students should submit the following electronically to the e-mail <> by February 26th.

  1. A written description of his or her proposed study programs in terms of content and objective with particular reference to increasing their humanitarian and ethical awareness
  2. An itemized budget proposal
  3. A copy of your transcript. A minimum grade point average of 3.500 is required at the time of application.
  4. One signed letter of recommendation (submitted directly by the letter writer)

Completed proposals should be submitted electronically as a Word document or pdf.  The average budget of a successful Acree scholarship is in the range of $5,000 to $9,000.  If published documentation (brochure or registration bulletin) is available about the program you plan to attend, please include that with your application.  Students who apply will be notified of decisions by March 18th.

Recipients obligate themselves to submitting a detailed report on completion of the program to the Dean of the College no later than one month after the program has ended.